It's been a little cold and raining non-stop for the last few days. But the next few days are forecast to be warm and sunny. I think that finally the cold nights are behind us and the threat of frost is past. The Farmer's Market will be opening in a two weeks and that's when I'll really get down to business with the planting! Right now it looks like I'm just growing dirt.
I finally got around to the weeds this afternoon. Too many for one day, but I put a good dent in them! I left the section with the carrots alone because I can't tell what (if any of them) are carrots. But anything growing close to the peas, lettuce, and radishes got taken out.

The peas are growing fast. Only 12 of them have come up and only in one row. I'm not sure what happened but it'll still be enough for the two of us.

I need to start thinking about how to support them and soon! I had originally planned on some complicated rig but I think that I won't have the time to design, buy, and put it all together before they're needed. I'm likely going to settle for a bamboo tripod and save the engineering for the beans. There will be more of a need for something more complicated for the numbers I have planned for the beans.

Other than that the radishes are all coming in fine. The secondary leaves are just showing. Most of the lettuce seems to have survived. Only three of the Merlot Red Leaf didn't make it. I can't tell if it was varmints or weather, but I'm going to blame the weather for now... I'll drive myself crazy trying to outwit 'dem varmints. Although there is a ground hog hole within the orchard fence that I found and a chunky one living under the woodpile. So I probably will have to put a second wire low to the ground when I start to plant more.
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