It's been raining in West Chester off and on now since Saturday and won't stop for another three days. After work on Saturday I put in all the plants we got at the Grower's Market as well as support for the beans. It was a lot of work, but it was fun. I ended up putting in two 7 foot poles and strung chicken wire between them. It wasn't exactly Swiss engineered but it's much sturdier than I thought! A MUCH better job than what I did with the peas. After all the plants were in I realized that the garden plan I came up with in March needed to be revised. So here's the current plan (green are in the ground, yellow is planned, and red went in but never came up):

I was able to get out into the garden after work again today to put in the last of the seeds I started. I also finally snapped some pictures of all the work on Saturday. So here they are:
Four tomatoes - 2 Plums, 2 heirlooms

Six peppers: 4 Red, 1 Orange, and 1 Green

The peas are starting to climb the support.

This is a
Japanese Eggplant. The guy at the stand that sells the Asian vegetables convinced me to get one. It sounded interesting enough so I decided to make room for it along with three regular eggplants in the plan.

Here's the first pole beans that desperately needed to get into the ground. They sprouted super quick and were outgrowing the little peat pots in a matter of days. I started 30 more after we bought some more dirt and had them in peat pots for a couple of days, but I decided to plant them before they sprouted just to get them in the ground.

The original plan had room for only two, but they were sold in a four pack at the market. You can never have too many zucchini right?

Should be able to eat some of this soon... yum.

It's looking a more like a garden and less like a dirt patch!

Here's the reverse angle!
Hey Dave,your garden looks great - I am trying bush snap peas this year - tired of training them on a trellis - we are about 2 weeks behind you folks down there & of course the last week of rain has not helped.