Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 2012 - First Fruit and Great Weather

There has been some beautiful weather the last few weeks. It's looking like summer will hit full force later this week with triple digit heat indexes forecasted.  Last year that type of weather lead to the death of some of the herbs and all the spring plants.  The peas are more or less finished and the broccoli/cauliflower was a dud thanks to the cabbage worms.  I have a place in the shade under the barn bridge ready for the herbs should they need to be moved. I'm ready for the heat.

Porch Plants:

 Herb corner is doing great.  Fresh herbs are now going into most meals. Some of the biggest basil leaves I've ever seen on the one plant..

 The two eggplants I have on the deck have officially outlasted those grown in the garden last few years.  It's curious that the one on the left is so much larger then the one on the right. They seem to be two different varieties as the one has small spines on the leaves and the other doesn't. 

 Porch tomatoes are getting larger.  Lots of green tomatoes on them that I'm hoping will ripen soon.  Can't wait for that first tomato of the summer.

 Container peppers are looking pretty good.  I feel that they are starting to crowd a bit.  I wish I had only planned three in this size planter box.

The cucumber experiment is going real well.  They are also a bit crowded, but they are climbing the twine just fine now.  I ran three lengths of garden twine down to the planter which is elevated on a cinder block wall about 8 feet off the ground.  I can access them easily from the staircase, but I am concerned that once they get large they line will break in a strong wind. I hope this works.

 Potato bags look good.  I attempted to harvest a potato out of them last week and couldn't find one.  I was told that after the flowers show up there should be some to harvest but the only one I could find was the original seed potato.  I'll try again soon.

Down in the garden:

 Cucumbers are climbing well. 

 The peppers are doing great this year.  They never grow well here and some of them are half the size of the others, but I try every year.  They all are starting to produce so I'm optimistic that this will be the best effort yet.

All the tomatoes are looking great too.  I had ignored them for nearly a week and went down to find that some were growing outside the cages. 

 Amish Paste tomatoes


 Zucchinis are on the way

 One of the larger heirlooms

Some peppers will be ready for picking soon. The cayenne and banana peppers are nearly there. 

 First bell pepper.