Over the winter I moved to a converted barn on a 15 acre piece of land in outside of the Borough of West Chester, PA. The view is great, the apartment is great, and what was even more exciting was all the land that could be used to grow vegetables!

For the last two years I've lived in a tiny third floor apartment in the borough that had a small flat roof off a covered porch. On that roof I played around with growing herbs and vegetables and had a very mixed success. It wasn't easy. Hauling up bags of dirt and pots, filling a watering can from the bathtub, and a giant Ash tree that shaded out what little sun made it to the back of my house. Somethings did OK, but the conditions were a little less than ideal... that has now changed.
My goal with this blog is to keep a record of what and when I did things this year for myself in hopes that next year I can get even better yields. I'll try to update it as often as I can with pictures and progress reports. I'm not expecting anyone but friends and family to ever see this, but anyone out there on the Internets happens to read this then
please send me advice or tricks that a novice like myself might find useful. Spring is here and it's time to start getting busy!