Since we moved, Stacey and I have enjoyed watching the herd of 12 deer come drink from the crick (or "creek" for those who ain't from 'round here) nearly every night. In addition to the herd there is a smaller group of 5 young ones that have come by from time to time and yesterday they got a little too bold. So I chased them away screaming like an idiot. But because I can't be on constant watch and Stacey isn't willing to take shifts guarding the garden with me (rightly so I think) I've been trying to decide what do about them. It's just a matter of time before they discover my garden and they stop being the cute furry things on the hill and become my nemesis... and I already have a nemesis: the stinkbugs. But hopefully I've left them behind- and for the records the stinkbugs won.

We pulled up a 300 foot wire from the field that was not being used, pounded in some stakes, and then hooked up the juice! I was asking a bunch of questions about how to do this properly and he simply responded that "it's not rocket science." Well he was right. As long as the wire has enough tension to be at 'deer level' and the electricity is flowing through it, it'll work. He had a piece of PVC pipe with a wire hook running through it to use as a handle to disconnect the fence at the one end. At some point I'll have to put another one in on the other end so he can get the tractor through. Our rig is a little bit crappy looking I'll admit but but I bet it's effective.

I hope this works.
Hi Dave & Stacey, We enjoy your blog. Have you thought about a "chuck" level fence? Hope the deer get the message. Betcha get a taste of the fence for yourself sometime when you least expect it - all good farmers have. jackie&dave
ReplyDeleteTasting the fence is half the fun of putting it up- especially when it has peanut butter on it! Yum... ZAP!
ReplyDeleteI have seen a fat groundhog that seems to be living under the wood pile a few yards from the garden. The landlord says he hasn't had a problem with the rabbits or chucks in the past, but I may end up putting up some chicken wire.
So thankful I don't have a deer problem!