Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010 Summer Vegetable Harvest Begins

Much of the summer crop is starting to ripen!  I've been looking forward to some fresh tomatoes for some time now.  Especially since I was forced to buy some really bland ones a month or two ago in the grocery store.  I'm also trying out the video capabilities with the new iPhone 4 to start uploading the occasional video update.  Early tests (of a really cool clearwing hummingbird moth) were not very HD but they were uploaded straight from the phone, so we'll see what this looks like after processing.


Yellow Pears.  They are sweet!  Only a few are ripe right now, but there are a ton on the vine

Pink Brandywine.   I wasn't sure if this was fully ripe, but when I looked at the picture it also has a bit of green on the top.  I think I'll have his one with what ever dinner is tonight!

Wild Cherry.  I've been popping these for a few days now every time I walk by and see a bright red one.  Very small fruit even for a cherry tomato, but man are they good! And like the yellow Pear plant, there will be plenty more.

Giant Belgium Pink

The other bell peppers are looking pretty decent.   A few medium size peppers per plant.  But below are the highlights for the peppers thus far.

Purple Beauty Peppers.   I have three on the vine that have turned a deep shade of purple.  I still want to give them a few more days to make sure they get as big as possible

 Sweet Italian.    There are two very nice size peppers with several more forming.  I'm looking forward to these the most!

Cherry Bomb. There are about two dozen peppers on this one plant.  It's a good think I only planted one hot pepper plant this year!  It always seems like they are way more bountiful than bells or other mild peppers.

The purple bean flowers alone are worth it. 

Purple Beans.  I was walking out in the garden not two days ago and there were no beans worth picking.  today however I harvested two large handfuls!  Some of them are almost too big to eat!

Both the Yellow Squash and the Zucchinis are producing fruit now.  We've already had to dust off the Zucchini bread recipe and had a little of both types of squash in the roasted vegetables last night with dinner.  Three of the zucchinis that i picked late last week were WAY to big to eat.  They grow so fast it's hard to keep up with them!

Cucumbers.  The Cucumbers have bounced back after the deer attack.  I pulled my first full size cucumber yesterday and like everything else there are a plenty more on the way.  I have not seen any fruit on the Crystal Apple cucumbers yet.  They have grown quite large and have many flowers ( I think there are a little ones coming soon).


  1. Oh my! This is one good reason why having your own vegetable garden is great. It gives you the pride of seeing your plants flourish and grow. Above all, it gives you the pleasure of eating fresh harvest!
