Saturday, March 21, 2009

Garden Plan

This is the basic plan of what I'll be growing this year. Each block is a square foot, and the spacing is based on the "Square Foot Garden" book I bought last year. The bottom portion is the overall plan of a 40' x 4' row. (It's divided into two rows on paper, but it'll be one long one)

In the past I've gotten most of my plants from a farmer's market on Chestnut Steet that runs from May through December. They have a great selection of tomatoes, peppers, and lots of other varieties all from local growers. Most of what's on the plan I can find there, but I will likely modify this when I see what's actually available.

I have started some plants from seed this year. I used a small cardboard box covered with plastic wrap to create a cheap (crappy) sun box. On March 1st I started 25 heads of lettuce - 10 Mesculn, 10 "Merlot" Red Leaf, and 5 "Great Lakes 118" Crisphead which looks like is just gold old green leaf lettuce. I also started 12 "Evergreen Long White Bunching' onions.

The seeds I started three weeks ago all look pretty good. The lettuce definitely looks like it needs to get into the ground soon. The onions seem content to be in the dixie cups for another week or so. This weekend is suppose to have some night time lows of 29 deg so I plan to wait until Monday or Tuesday to get them in the ground. I'll use the extra couple of days to harden them off outside for a few hours a day.


  1. I like the idea of seed-starting in little Dixie cups, then putting them in that miniature "cold frame" of a cardboard box with plastic wrap on top. Never thought of that! I might do that next year. Also, where did you get that graph for your garden plan? I might need to utilize that for next year, as well! :)

  2. I used Adobe Illustrator to make the plan. But if all you need is graph paper, you can go to this site and print out is much as you need:
