Friday, May 28, 2010

May 28, 2010 Mo' Distractions, Mo' Problems

  I've been too busy and distracted to really focus on the garden this week, and again  haven't been posting.  This sporadic schedule will likely continue until a week or two after the wedding....

The weather since the last post has been typical late Spring weather: a few days of rain followed by consecutive warm/hot days.   I finally made it out to the garden this past weekend to weed, mow, and take stock of what's doing. So much change in such a short period of time! Take a look at the field, it has grown well beyond the point of being able to walk through it- even the deer are hard to spot these days

Yesterday we had  a really nasty thunderstorm roll through that just missed us. I get excited watching the big red cells on the radar barreling down on us only for the damn storm to blow just to the east.  It happens every time!! All round us were the lighting and heavy rains, but we only actually got about 20 minutes of mild rain.

Well I've missed quite a bit (pics from Sunday May 23rd):

The spinach bolted before I could use any of it. I harvested one plant for some sandwiches and the rest bolted in 5 days.

The peas all of a sudden are six feet tall and beginning to yield.
The beans are all well established and starting to climb the trellis.  Even the cucumbers are starting to show signs of looking healthy - I bet they're triple in size next week!

The first tomatoes are on the vine.

The squash plants tripled in size.

Peppers are looking good, but haven't grown explosively like the rest of the garden.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good. Invest more time and imagine what will blossom!!
