Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 24, 2010 Herbs, Flowers, and More

I took this picture yesterday and thought it was a good shot of Spring!

Here's the new flower bed, it turned out great!  Stacey got some good looking flowers at Distinctive Gardens.  And as good as it looks now, in a few weeks when everything is established and growing it's going to look even more amazing.

I put in a full flat of Marigolds today and placed them between what will be tomatoes.  It added some much needed color to the garden.  This will force me when it comes to Market time to stick to the plan and only plant seven tomatoes.

The herbs are in!  During a trip to Distinctive Gardens today they had all the herbs out and I couldn't wait another week. They looked so good that I got weak and bought everything I saw.  So we have (starting with the upper left) Oregano, Basil, Basil again, Thyme, St Johns Wort, Dill, Cilantro, Majoroum, and Sage in the middle. 

The cucumbers are now in the ground.  I debated a little about putting them in with what I hope is the last cold night forecasted for Tuesday.  I thought that I'd chance it as they were starting to get pretty large in the peat pots.   I hope they hold up to the 40-43 degree night.

Here's a long shot of the garden (except for the flower bed at the end).  It now has some nice color to it.  Next week is the Grower's Market to fill the rest in!

The lettuce looks like it has finally taken.  Although last year at this time they were much larger.  I guess that since the first round didn't survive they got a head start last season. All three varieties now look VERY different.  Although it's not in this picture , the carrots are making slow progress.  This year I'm definitely going to get some production from them. 

The peas are growing strong.  Most of them are climbing the trellis on their own, but a few still need some help grabbing hold.

The shallots have exploded with tons of new growth. I planted ten but only eight have sprouted.  Judging by the way the first eight have grown, I'm not holding out much hope for the last two.The garlic in the foreground is also doing well.  Only one of the three bulbs seems to have been a dud.

The spinach is looking fantastic!  In only a few days they have grown significantly.  I will need to thin a few of them out in the next day or two.  The radishes are getting there too. I accidentally pulled one thinking it was a weed and the radish root was there - what a great color they have!

1 comment:

  1. Spring is Beautifully captured in your first photo.

    Everything looks wonderful. I'll be back to have a nosy of your progress.
